The craftsmen of our Company know that every Dog owner wants to keep his furry loved one safe, seen and protected during the day. This is what inspired us to find the world’s finest safety product - Extra durable and Extra Comfortable Collar made from a single piece of thick Genuine Leather 1 1/5 inch (30 mm) wide with Rust-resistant nickel plated buckle and D-ring.
Genuine Leather Collar for Pitbull Dog
Strong Leather Collar with welded D-ring
, and can also be used effectively as a Dog training Collar in conjunction with a harness and/or a leash.
. Oiled for better water resistance and polished to a smooth finish it will last you for many happy years of heavy use.
The Collar may be worn for hours at a time by your pooch, so it's important to have a Collar comfortable enough that your Dog won't even notice he's wearing it.