I ordered the padded black leather dog harness and added the handle for a little extra control. The shipping was quick and the product itself was better than expected. The harness was easy to adjust and my pitbull seemed instantly calm and kept from pulling, as for the handle? Great buy! I highly recommend adding it, it was much easier to control and guide my dog on our walks. It came in handy when passing other walkers on narrow sidewalks, the strength and stability I had with the handle seemed to put them (other dog walkers) at ease. The material for both the harness and the handle are excellent quality and i highly recommend to anyone interested.
by Jorge Horta, 2016-09-17 21:34:35
5 of 5 Stars
Black Leather Dog Harness for Pitbull
Our craftsmanship offers new style of Black Leather Dog Harness for Pitbull
Please be advised that this leather dog vest can serve for different activities as
* training dog harness
* walking dog harness
* agitation dog harness
* padded dog harness
* walking dog harness
* durable dog harness
Check the review of this Pit Bull Harness!
This handmade leather dog harness is handcrafted from high quality, heavy duty strong leather.
It is flexible and will not rub or wear into the skin of your dog.
Designed so the resistance is on the shoulders and not on the throat our agitation harness allows dogs to bark and track in free way and still be restrained enough.Straps are 1 1/4 inch wide, and assembled using capped rivets for extra durability.
Our heavy duty leather dog harness is made of finest quality soft and strong leather with solid nickel buckles(or brass buckles) and rings that won't rust for long life.D ring is stitched and rivetted so it won't pull out.
Check how this harness looks on Pit Bull / Our Video