Pitbull Muzzles

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Pitbull Muzzles

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Dear Customer, our online store is glad to offer you a wide choice of various Pitbull Dog Muzzles.
Nowadays this is a necessary tool, required by law in many countries. We offer various models’ designs, among which You will definitely find a suitable one. We have Leather and Metal Muzzles - it depends on the purposes, that you have in mind. Select what you and your Pet needs!

Protect your pet and people around. Don’t forget, that a Dog is an animal first of all, and as any animal, he has instincts, he cannot sometimes resist .
We guarantee that our equipment will not harm the health of your pet. Leather Muzzles will allow your animal to feel free as far as it’s possible while being muzzled without causing harm to anyone around.
The distinctive feature of the Leather Muzzles is the fact that they do not harm the dog’s snout in case the animal hits something with his snout. The leather material won’t stick to the Pet’s wet nose or tongue in frosty weather. Convenient buckles allow to put the this equipment on or off very quickly and to fit securely your friend’s head.

Metal Muzzles will be useful for the owners of aggressive Breeds. Metal Muzzles represented in our store are equipped with additional leather or foam rubber pads that protect the animal's skin from rubbing. Made of stainless steel wire, Metal Muzzles will last you for years and will prevent Pet’s reckless behavior. You can also buy a Metal Muzzles with special insulating lining, which is designed for walking your pet in extreme biting frost. We strongly recommend you not to use them during the hot season.

Purchasing our Muzzles, you are guaranteed to receive the highest quality equipment, which won’t harm your four-foot friend.
Choosing this kind of equipment for your pet, remember that he will have to wear it for quite a long time. That’s why, it is not easy to choose the right one despite its wide choice in stores. Cone-shaped Muzzles are widely offered nowadays, but it is absolutely uncomfortable for the animal, because it should fix the dogs' snout but not to constrict it. Search for the Muzzles of a cylindrical shape, which will allow your four foot friend to open the mouth freely and stick his tongue out.

These tools can be made of different materials. The most common are leather, metal, nylon and plastic.
Depending on the shape there are basket-like, closed- and a Muzzle-loop kinds.

Leather basket Muzzles will perfectly fit non-aggressive breeds. Made of durable leather straps, such Muzzles allow the Dog to breathe easily and to stick out the tongue. Also Leather Muzzles have quite light weight.
Plastic Dog Muzzles have even less weigh, but they are likely to crack in the frost or under strokes. The use of plastic muzzles is warranted if your Dog participates in the race, where each superfluous gram of weight is important.

Choosing Leather Muzzles, you need to define clearly the material, because the term “Leather” may be referred both to genuine leather or leather substitute. Dog Muzzles, made of leather substitute are cheaper, but they also wear out much faster. Genuine leather Muzzles are much more durable and will last much longer, though it is definitely much more expensive.
Choosing this kind of equipment, pay special attention to the fixing rivets. You need to verify if there are no burrs and if rivets are made ​​of high quality metal.
Pay close attention to the method of fastening Muzzles on the Dog’s head as well. If the animal is accustomed to the Muzzle and does not try to take it constantly off - one strap is enough. Otherwise it is better to use a design with an extra strap between the eyes.
To handle with Dog’s aggression or vice versa for training on developing a directed anger, the Muzzles of metal wire are often used. They recommended when the temperature is above zero, since in winter Dog’s tongue or skin can freeze to the metal. You can protect your Pet from injuring in winter by purchasing a special metal Dog Muzzles with lining or rubber covering, but such Muzzles weigh quite a lot, so their use is warranted only in exceptional cases. Metal mesh in front part (sometimes double) more likely performs a decorative function. Although, sometimes it can prevent the dog from picking up waste from the ground.
If you have decided to buy metal Muzzles with front mash, make sure that the bars are arranged vertically. In this case your Dog will be less likely to break his teeth on them.
It should be remembered
that metal Dog Muzzles have an unpleasant feature. When the dog bumps it can cause injury not only to the object of aggression, but also to himself. We recall once more, metal Dog Muzzles should be used only for large and aggressive Dogs.

Closed Dog Muzzles can be made of leather or synthetic material. This is an intermediate option between metal and leather basket Muzzles. In such muzzle even angry Dog will be difficult to bite somebody. This type of Muzzles can’t cause injury to the Dog, unlike metal one, but in hot weather it is not recommended to wear such Muzzle on the Dog for long term (the Dogs regulate body temperature through the tongue). The only good point of closed Muzzles is the less weight in comparison with metal one.

Recently, the Muzzles of Nylon (or other synthetic material) have appeared. Most commonly they have a loop-like shape, so-called "bear-loop”. The Muzzles of this type are usually fasten with the help of Velcro. They will work perfectly if you need to take your calm Dog in public transport, observing the law. They can also be used while visiting the vet or your friends.
When choosing this tool, remember that it is bought for the Dog, not for the owner, and above all, it must be comfortable, but not beautiful.

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